FREE AI Software
& Neural Networks
to Grow Your Business

Our AI Software making profits
for businesses since 1991...

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In 1991, we made HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of DOLLARS in NET PROFIT using an AI software program we wrote called StationBreak® that used Machine Learning and Bayesian Optimization to analyze how to distribute advertising dollars across 28,000 broadcast television stations to maximize net profits from airing our famous celebrity infomercials.
Now, we decided to create an accounting application incorporating the use of those techniques, including AI, Neural Networks, and Bayesian Optimization, to help small businesses understand how to grow their businesses.
We Bought The TV Tme for Over 100 Famous Celebrity Infomercials
Click Here to See Profits on One of Our Infomercial Buys 

AI's New Approach to
Accounting That Helps
YOU Make Profit

Traditional accounting software is at a disadvantage because it relies on manual data entry, rigid reporting structures, and outdated methods that fail to provide real-time insights.
AI-powered accounting tools, on the other hand, can automate bookkeeping, help avoid IRS audits, and determine what ads to buy and how much to pay for advertisng helping to guarantee your business makes money.

AINetProfit® (beta version available)

What Our AI Can Do for Accounting

Try Our Other AI App
Called AI DomainGenie®

DomainGenie® can help you create money-rich domain names with real potential resale value. Ordinary domain names containing high-demand keywords can attract businesses looking to enhance their online presence, making them willing to pay a premium price for the right web address. Domain names require minimal maintenance and investment, making them attractive options for generating additional income with little ongoing effort.
We created DomainGenie® using AI Trained Models to create an easy-to-use Home Business. Just one of the numerous AI models we included is our proprietary AI Model to rank the value of given domains to better help you decide which domains to register.
React.js Rubik Cube by Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
Download Source Code
Rotate entire cube by touching outside cube
or center cubes. Touch cubes to rotate layers.

ic_fluent_brand_facebook_48_mono Created with Sketch. image/svg+xml Twitch image/svg+xml image/svg+xml